Sunday, February 24, 2013

Don't shoot me!

I’m kind of a private guy, so I didn’t really want to write this. The only reason I’m doing so now is because I feel I owe you all an explanation; and I can’t do so without letting you into my personal life. Anam, although complete, won’t be available by the end of February. It should be ready by the end of March, most likely sooner, but for now I’m sticking with end of March.

Now, before you start the hate mail and get too distraught, let me throw myself on your mercy and understanding. I was well on my way to having Anam done and out before February, maybe even by the end of January. As I was driving down to the library to finish Anam during the first week in January, I was in a serious auto accident. No, it wasn’t my fault, thank goodness! You were wondering, weren’t you? However, it was my last day of writing before I started editing. I broke some stuff and lost the use of my left arm. I was unable to move it or really type for a few weeks. A month later, a nephew, who was just a few years younger than me, passed away. We lived together for much of our young lives. During that time, we were really more like brothers. It’s a very sobering experience to watch life support be pulled and see someone slip into the afterlife. I didn’t feel like writing during that rough week.

Up until a few days ago, there was still hope I’d make it. I’m very close, but there is still some polishing to do. And I want to get it as good as I can. So, I’m bumping it back. I hope you understand.

Best wishes,


Angelia Phillips said...


I am so sorry to hear about your accident.

I had a comment on a book review, regarding your Marysvale Series, and before completing my reply, I did a search and was thrilled to see you've got a blog out.

And the I read about the delay in the release of your next book, and, oh my goodness! Very happy to hear you're on the mend, but very sorry you've had to endure the injury and recovery.

I pray you'll have no long-term ill effects and your recovery completes quickly.

Best regards,


Nervavels said...

I am very sad to hear of the passing of your nephew and glad that your auto accident spared you. I hope you are on the mend and that your family is well. I enjoyed the Marysvale book enough to re-read it (it is very good) and am glad to have come across it.

Be well, and safe.

Sara said...

Really glad to have found your series! I love that Amazon does the weekly steals, it has enabled me to find some awesome series. While I am anxiously awaiting the third (and final?) book in the series, I am also glad to hear that you are improving from your ordeal! The idiom, when it rains it pours seems most apt in this case hmm? How long from the time when you finish writing to final publication typically?

Lord of the Geeks said...

Hi Sarah. Thank you!

It depends on your publisher. With my first book, I went with a small publisher and it took about eight months. Without getting into a long drawn out story, we separated with me getting the full rights back. On my second I tried to self publish but duplicate what had been done before (Very costly and not worth it as I didn't have the same distribution channels) that took about two months. On my last one Anam, I'm making a change from traditional printing, to on demand. Once I'm satisfied with everything, it will take maybe a day or two. However, it can take a few months for artwork and cover design. Kind of depends on the artist you use. I started about 4 months ago on both with Anam and am still doing the finishing touches.

Book Worm said...

I greatly look forward to the next book! I came across Marysvale by chance and love it. I was really excited when I saw Alyth (which I just finished). I'm absolutely ecstatic to find there will be a third! You are a very gifted writer! I hope you heal well from your physical injuries as well as your emotional ones. I'm sorry for your loss, hope all is well otherwise :)

jeff said...

So sorry to hear of your difficult times over the past few months. I hope you find encouragement in the kind words of your fans on this blog. As for book three please take your time. I would rather wait and have it be as good as the first two than be disappointed. For me this series is up there with Pillars of the Earth and the Ender's series. With those books and Marysvale I became so attached to the characters I don't want the book to end. I always tell my wife that you no a book was special when you would rather have the book keep going with the character's daily lives than to start another book without them.

Lord of the Geeks said...

Thank you. All your comments lift me tremendously. I hate to say which of the three is my favorite because it's subjective. For what it's worth, I really like the last one and don't think it will disappoint.

Which query is the best?