Friday, October 8, 2010

Marysvale is available!!!

Yep, that's right, my first book is available for purchase. You can get by clicking here. It's also available for the Ipad, Kindle, and just about any ebook reader. The ebook for Barnes and Noble might not be available yet, they are slow. Ditto for getting the print book through them. As for walking into a book store, I doubt that anyone has it yet. However, my distributor partners with Ingram, so just about any book store should be able to get it for you. Between now and January, it should become available locally through Deseret Book, Smiths, and Costco. In January I will be doing book signings at some of these locations. However, I'd love to come do a signing and talk to your book club, if you would like me to. I even got a hair cut! And I promise to shower. I might even bust out the cologne that B'lue bought me. Oddly enough it's called Blue.

I have a huge favor to ask of you all. When you buy Marysvale, and if you like it (which you will), please recommend it to your friends though a facebook, or blog post. And if you purchase it from a website that allows reviews, please take the time to write one. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. The only way Marysvale will grow is by you through word of mouth...And someday I hope to be able to purchase a Cafe Rio pork salad from the proceeds...Or perhaps my very own private island, or an under water marine base, I can't decide between the three.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Our library here in Canada (You probably didn't know I was in Cadada, but that's okay I'm barely aware of that fact myself.) has requested a copy and it should be displayed on the new release shelf. And I'm working on getting it as a library book club selection. I hope things are going well with everything else.

Which query is the best?