Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Alyth is out!

Alyth is out on Amazon Kindle and on Barnes and Noble Nook.  Sorry about the rest of the e-book platforms. I’m just doing the big three this time around. Let’s be honest, the vast majority of you are Kindle readers, aren’t you? Go ahead, just admit it.

For those looking for the hardback, it will be in about 3-4 weeks, give or take. I don’t have a firm date, it’s in the cogs of printing, distributing, contract approvals etc.. I figured I could’ve held back the e-book until print was ready, or just release it now and let the print catch up. I opted to just release it. I don’t know if Barnes and Noble will be stocking it on shelves this time, same thing goes for Costco and the other small retailers. However, if you’re just terrified of this new-fangled contraption called the internet, and, as a recovering IT security analyst, I feel your paranoia. My mouse is wrapped in tinfoil as we speak. I prefer my personal information be stolen the old fashion way. Any bookstore should be able to order it for you.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Odds and Ends

Just wanted to give a quick update. You can follow my blog tour here. It's pretty much just reviews about Marysvale. As you can tell, I don't update my blog often. I'm a little better with facebook. Don't even ask me about twitter. I think you all know how I feel about that. It's nothing against twitter. It's just I'm not going to post the same things in three different spots.

Okay, back on topic. Alyth is done, except editing, but the cover is finished. You can see it on the facebook link above. So when will it be released? Well, I'm hoping to have it out by October. I think that would be fun since it takes place in that time frame and there is some All Hallow's Eve stuff worked in. However, it could be as late as November. There's a lot of stuff that has to happen between now and then. If you want to be notified when I know something more solid, you can friend the Marysvale site on facebook, or sign up for an email alert on my website www.jaredsouthwick.com

I've been going to some amazing book clubs. There has been great insight from you all about Marysvale. There have been some things and meanings pointed out to me that I hadn't thought about, or noticed. Of course, I simply nod and say, "Oh yeah. I totally meant to do it that way." They are a lot of fun and I really enjoy meeting you all.

Lastly, I want to thank all of you for spreading the word. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and how much it means to me. So, Thank You!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April schedule

Marysvale is now available in Barnes & Noble, and Costco. Visit www.jaredsouthwick.com for my signing schedule.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Sorry about the lack of posts. I have a few reasons for not posting much. For one, I'm not a huge social net worker. I have this blog where I occasionally post stuff, and a face book account where I occasionally post stuff too. It's not that I have anything against it, it's just not me. I've tried, but I guess the fire never caught on. I mostly do it to let you know that I am still alive and kicking. And let's face it. My life is pretty much like the movie Groundhog. Wake up to the same music, do the same things day after day. There really isn't a lot of excitement. Unless you count those trips to Cafe Rio, which I do! The other reason I don't do a lot of posts is because of time. Would you rather have me spend time on posts, or writing? I'm opting for writing. I hoped to have Alyth finished by last December, but there have been some serious personal family issues I've had to deal with over the last three to four months. Between that and working, they have literally taken all my free time, and I'm not just exaggerating. So my December goal faded to the end of January, and now the end of February. I think I'm in the storm before the calm. On a good note, Alyth is getting close to completion. It better be, I'm running out of time. It's so close I can taste it. I'm itching to get the story out. Keep your fingers cross, maybe I can finish it in the next week...Yeah right. Better give me two weeks...Okay, three tops.

Which query is the best?