Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Alyth is out!

Alyth is out on Amazon Kindle and on Barnes and Noble Nook.  Sorry about the rest of the e-book platforms. I’m just doing the big three this time around. Let’s be honest, the vast majority of you are Kindle readers, aren’t you? Go ahead, just admit it.

For those looking for the hardback, it will be in about 3-4 weeks, give or take. I don’t have a firm date, it’s in the cogs of printing, distributing, contract approvals etc.. I figured I could’ve held back the e-book until print was ready, or just release it now and let the print catch up. I opted to just release it. I don’t know if Barnes and Noble will be stocking it on shelves this time, same thing goes for Costco and the other small retailers. However, if you’re just terrified of this new-fangled contraption called the internet, and, as a recovering IT security analyst, I feel your paranoia. My mouse is wrapped in tinfoil as we speak. I prefer my personal information be stolen the old fashion way. Any bookstore should be able to order it for you.


Which query is the best?